Élan vital is translated in English as “vital impetus”, and also “vital force”. It is a hypothetical explanation for evolution and development of organisms, linked closely with consciousness.
Male Survivor Counseling
When I first started working with trauma and, specifically, sexual abuse survivors I realized the resources available to women survivors were much more even though women are 1 and 4 and men are 1 in 6. I decided to create a safe place for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse and assault could address their unique issues. Below is some information that may be useful to help understand what you may be experiencing. If these resonate with you, please feel free to reach out to me to see if this is something we can work on together.
“Research suggest that one in six boys are sexually abused by age 16, and 1 in 21 males (over 18 years) are sexually assaulted.”
If you were a victim of sexual violence, you may be experiencing some of the following symptoms:
Low self-esteem
Social isolation
Difficulty finding a relationship
Finding yourself in one brief relationship after another
Problems in relationships: with your partner or spouse, your children, your parents, your boss or coworkers, or others with whom you have intimate contact
Irrational fear that you will harm a child
Drug or alcohol addiction
Compulsive behavior: overeating, overspending, compulsive gambling, constant viewing of pornography, seeking after anonymous sexual partners, uncontrollable masturbation, incessant trips to massage parlors or prostitutes
Worries about being gay even though your fantasies are primarily about women
Inability to feel good about being gay even though your fantasies are primarily about men
Feeling you're not a man
Finding yourself a victim again and again
Flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, or other signs of reliving a trauma
Emotional numbness or constriction
Hyperarousal: being vigilant, irritable, and jumpy much of the time
Outbursts of rage
Physical symptoms your doctor can't explain on physical grounds: rapid heart beat, anorexia or bulimia, shortness of breath, dizziness, or constipation
Sexual problems: lack of interest, inability to achieve or maintain an erection, premature ejaculation, inability to have satisfactory sex with someone you care about, disturbing masochistic or sadistic thoughts or behaviors, or relentless and intrusive sexual fantasies
Fear of being around other men, especially in groups, locker rooms, or public rest rooms
Obsessive thoughts about sexual acts or partners you usually wouldn't be interested in
Trouble with sleep: insomnia or sleeping all the time
Self-destructive behavior
Urges to hurt someone physically, or incidents when you do so
Amnesia for certain periods of your life
Losing time
- Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men, Richard B. Gartner, Ph.D.
The Healing of Sexually Abuse Men - Oregon Counseling Assoc. Summer 2016 Newsletter - Amber M. Senger, MFT
malesurvivorcounselor.com 1in6.org malesurvivor.org